Friday, May 3, 2019

landscape preview


 Le Mont-Saint-MichelAlpe Saléi Ticino

1. you will need to take pics with low, perfect, and dark lighting and merge them.
2. we will use a tripod and camera.
3. HDR looks really good on landscapes, it give life and vibrant colors to maybe a more bland shot.
4. when you merge the 3-5 pics, you will see that the dark and light pics cancel each other out and the picture will have nice lighting and colors.


1. shadows could be a problem, and overlapping yourself also would be a problem.
2. I think a good place would be at one of the tables in the halls because the light is good and there are no shadows.
3. give yourself a high five or fight yourself or make it look like you are all looking at something.
4. i guess you could wear something dark if youre in a dark area so it will blend in more easily when you are cropping in the picture.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

sports portfolio


a) Alyssa Schukar
b) dark tone to most of the pictures.
c) they didn't like how they were all taken at a certain distance, they've seen a lot of these pics before, and not enough strong singles in it.
d) they liked the more happy pictures, and they liked the colors that were captured in some of the pictures.
e) I like the photographer, and how they went for a more dark feeling in the pictures cus that's unique.

a) Anthony Souffle


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

car raid

1. im going to interview either my cousin or my friends mom
2. i will do it this weekend

  • when did you buy this vehicle
  • how often do you clean it
  • how many miles are on it
  • whats your craziest experience in this car
  • have you ever had an accident in it
4. i would write filler words or questions, like put in the questions i asked and add as many words as i can to make it longer

Friday, March 29, 2019

Final Exam Preview

1. When I was little, i used to make LEGO videos with my cousins on my 3DS and showed them to my family and friends.
2. the biggest difference would probably be the quality, i dont think it will be harder, but the video will be better visual quality and better production quality.
3. i could do a day in the life video, like in 1st person, thats the only idea i have, and the best one.
4. I would use the still images in my video by taking as many as i need to in order for it to be smooth and clean looking.
5. I could use sounds by making sound effects or narration in my video

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Thursday, March 14, 2019

SLO practice

1. c
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. c

On June 19th, 2018, the Prime Minister of Canada, Joseph Sample(left), walks down the red carpet in Toronto with Mali(right). Mali wrote a best seller novel that was sold all over India last year.