Friday, October 26, 2018

american soldier

A. i think the most powerful picture is the one where the Humvee is driving in the streets of Iraq and the kids in the streets, with their confused faces , have to get out of the way.

B. they work together by telling a chronological story of Fisher's life.

C. the captions help a lot with the pictures because for some of the pictures, you have no idea what's going on and the captions tell us everything about the background.

D. At age 17, Ian Fisher decides to join the army, he visits the recruiting office and says goodbye by having parties and saying bye to family before he leaves to basic training for 14 weeks. He hurts his elbow at camp, and has made a lot of new friends. he receives his first gun and after 8 weeks into camp, he trains under fire. he gets heat rashes and other little injuries. he graduates from boot camp and now is starting to be deployed into Iraq. he buys an engagement ring for his girl and proposes to her on Christmas. he and his girl break up and he becomes hooked on drugs. he gets baptized. He gets a new girlfriend and they get married.

E. present tense

F1. there are about 2-4 sentences per caption.

F2. it tells the people that are in the picture.

F3. this second sentence will say more information about the action happening in the picture.

F4. the third sentence will usually say additional info about the photo, like using a quote.

F5. there is a quote in quite a few of the captions to also help with the background info.

F6. A couple had 4 sentences, but they could've made the caption with 3 by using a comma or something.

G. You can only use captions, and it would be just like a picture book, so that's why you're able to only use captions.

H. Because things can happen in between that they might not have taken pics of or something, i don't really know the reason.

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