Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ethics in fashion photography

1. For the first video, they changed her neck length, eye position, shoulder width, skin lighter, and mouth smaller and nose to make her more pretty.

2. They changed her leg length, skin color, body size (made her slimmer) her hair, face, and added or deleted shading in the second video.

3. For this last video, they apparently took a piece of pizza and made a model out of it. They did the usual in editing the girl's face, body and skin tone.

4. No it's not ethical, they could just get prettier girls or just use the girl they chose and not edit her shaping.

5. I can't think of a time it would be right to change someones body or face this much ever.

6. I think changing the skin tone isn't that bad, but the editing of their body shape to make them slimmer isn't okay.

7. Photojournalism doesn't morph the people's bodies or the picture in general at all, it only changes the lighting and colors of the photo.

8. Not sure how these two types of photography would relate to real life other than they can impact the women who look up to models or whatever and are starting to think that you need to be thin or fit to be pretty, which isn't true

9. I guess he showed us these videos to offend the girls or show us the importance of these issues.

10. I think they do these transformations to men too but maybe the ones that are about girls get more attention because they're more controversial or are more obviously morphed.

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