Thursday, November 1, 2018

Portraits & self-portraits preview

1. Two tips i like are these:The person in your portrait is the main point of interest – however sometimes when you place them into different contexts with different backgrounds you can dramatically alter the mood in a shot.


Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful.

2.Environmental portrait:
 Image result for Environmental portrait”
i like this photo because of the action and lighting happening in the picture. I like how the sparks are bouncing off the metal and that they captured that.
Image result for Environmental portrait”   
i chose this one because of the colors and mood you get from the sunset in the back.

3.  photography self portrait: 
Image result for photography self portrait
this one stood out to me because of his camera and the setting of the picture. Also the focus is nice how its blurry in the back.
Image result for photography self portrait
i chose this picture because of the color contrast and the guys nice beard. the way his skin and the off white background contrast is perfect.

4. casual portrait:
Image result for casual portrait
i used this photo because it was the only b&w photo i could see so it popped, also i like the way he's positioned.
Image result for casual portrait
I like this one because i love Tom Hanks and he's sitting the same way as the guy above.

5. For my picture i want to shoot my baby sister (with a camera) and we have a really nice backyard, so I'll put her face next to the sky and trees under the sky. To make this successful, I will just wait til the sun sets and get the camera focused on her face. this will be an up close photo. With the low light at night time, i will need a faster shutter speed to get more light, but i want the photo to be a little dark to create that night time party type mood. I will have her face in one of the corners to do the rule of thirds composition rule.

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