Thursday, February 21, 2019

Architecture Preview #1

1. Habitat 67 (Cananda)
Image result for habitat 67
a) Moshe Safdie
b) 1967
c) Montreal, CA
d) it is private property
e) $22 M
f) It was originally conceived as his master's thesis in architecture at McGill University
g) I chose this building because it was the only one with numbers in the name. I like how the building is made in segments, and different rooms have an entire differently part of the house. I also like the location, right by the water, and surrounded by it.

2. La Pedrera

Image result for casa mila barcelona
a) Antoni Gaudí
b) 1912
c) Spain
d) anyone can access it
e) (couldn't find)
f) Built to be a luxury hotel.
g) I chose this building because of the shapes. I enjoy how the architects made it rounded all around. It's even bumpy and round on the balcony on the top of the building. I also like how people can visit 
anytime, and is cheap to look at a masterpiece building.

3. UFO house 
.  Image result for The UFO House, Taiwan
a) Matti Suuronen
b) 1978
c) Taiwan
d) anyone can visit the grounds
e) (can't find)
f) the pods were built to be a small community, that was never finished.
g) I like how the buildings are shaped. I picked them for the interesting layout of the "pods". I also like how the UFO houses are abandoned but people can still visit them to take spooky pictures.

4.Sculptured House

Image result for Sculptured House, USA
a) Charles Deaton
b) 1963
c) Colorado, USA
d) private
e) bought for $3 M
f) it was featured in a show called Sleeper
g) I chose this house because of the location. It is on top of a mountain/hill in Colorado. The shape isn't my type, but the view and location is amazing.

5. turning torso

Image result for Turning Torso, Sweden

a) Santiago Calatrava
b) 2005
c) sweden
d) public
e) can't find
f) named after a sculpture
g) I chose this building for its shape. I like how the tower twists, and its impressive how the building is stable, and how it was built. Also how did they get everything to stay still and not lean during construction.

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