Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sensory Overload

1. I think i know what they are saying, but it isn't really worded in a good way, but if i read it right, i agree. the statement makes you feel different about how you take photos and look at things in a new way.

2. i don't think it would be worth it to fly to where these booths are and take pictures, i would go to a more memorable place, more exotic.

3. i feel like having a parent working in one of these booths would be VERY boring, ive seen videos of people driving hard bargains when trying to buy from them, so watching your dad get "played around" like that would be sad, however, the products they sell arent worth near how much they want to sell them for.

4. I like the artificial flower shop picture. I thought they were real until i read the caption. I love the colors of the flowers, and the quantity of them. I like how the shop keeper is casually sitting in the middle of a jungle of color.

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