Thursday, March 7, 2019

student of the month story (404 words)

We have ended the month of February, and have another student of the month. Grace Camp is the newest member of the club, she kept up with her grades all month, averaging a 4.2 weighted GPA, and never lost focus in her classes.

The previous title holder was Wilson Benesh, but this month, Grace had put in so much work in all of her classes.

Grace's teachers all commended her for the award, and she entered thinking the competition would be tough. "I entered the award thinking that I had a chance but didn't think I would win." she said.

I asked her what she did to achieve this award, "I stayed on top of my work, made sure my grades were good, made sure that I understood the content being taught and attended tutoring, if I felt it was needed." she said.

I then asked Grace weather it was hard or not to win the award, "winning wasn't difficult, but the work that i had to put into my classes were hard." she said.

Wondering how this victory would affect her effort in the classroom, I asked her, she said, "it wont affect my effort because I'm still going to try my hardest everyday and push myself to the limit."

Grace had some advice for people who entered and didn't win this month, "I would enter again and don't give up because you never know if you're going to win, next time could be different." she said. Then, she said, "As long as you try your hardest to succeed, you can win the award, anyone can."

She was surprised that she won when I asked her, she said, "Yes, because there was a lot of students running in the award."

I asked her what her family thought about her winning the award, and this is what she had to say, "They (her parents) feel proud because I didn't get much help from them and they didn't have to remind me to stay on top of my work."

Finally, I asked her if she proud of herself, she stated, "Yes I'm proud, because it wasn't easy to achieve and I had to stay up late every night to make good grades and become top of my class," and said this when I asked how she feels about herself, "I'm happy because it means that I accomplished something that I didn't think I could win."

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