Tuesday, March 5, 2019

my first interview


1. are you proud of yourself for the award
yes I'm proud, bc it wasn't easy to achieve and i had to stay up late every night to make good grades and become top of my class
2. what did you do to achieve this
stayed on top of my work, made sure my grades were good, made sure that i understood the content being taught and attended tutoring, if I felt it was needed
3. why do you think you deserve this award
bc i tried my hardest and paid attention in all of my classes and was helpful and respectful towards my classmates and teachers
4. how does your family feel
they feel proud because i didn't get much help from them and they didn't have to remind me to stay on top of my work
5. who did you tell first
i told my best friend Remi and ani because I'm with them a lot of the time
6. where were you when you found out
i was in my 4th period ELA class taking the writing test
7. are you surprised that you won
yes, bc there was a lot of students running in the award
8. how do your friends feel about you receiving the award
they're surprised and excited for me
9. are you going to post the award on your snap
no, I don't like to brag about my achievements 
10. did you intend to win
no, i didn't, i entered the award thinking that i had a chance but didn't think i would win
11. was it easy or difficult to win
winning wasn't difficult, but the work that i had to put into my classes were hard
12. should other people try to chase after the award
yes, as long as you try your hardest to succeed
13. do you feel accomplished
yes, bc now i have something to appreciate about my school work
14. do you have any suggestion for people who wanted to win the award
enter again and don't give up because you never know if you're going to win
15. will you work harder next month to win again
no, I'm just going to continue to try my hardest and give other people a chance to win
16. did you have any inspiration to win
no, i just wanted to put myself out there
17. how will this affect your effort in the classroom
it wont affect my effort because I'm still going to try
18. how do you feel about yourself
I'm happy because it means that i accomplished something that i didn't think i could win
19. did you brag to your friends
No, because its something i should be proud of but not brag about
20. are you going to Disney World to celebrate
Yes, with my friends

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